Author's Kit

The LREC template MUST be used for your submission(s). If not, your submission(s) will be rejected.




Authors are requested to format their submitted full paper(s) and their final paper(s) according to the guidelines specified in this style sheet.
Final papers which do not adhere to this format will NOT be accepted for publication in the Conference Proceedings.




Each article must include an abstract of 150 to 200 words in Times 9 pt with interlinear spacing of 10 pt. The heading Abstract should be centred, font Times 10 boldface. This short abstract will also be used for producing the Booklet of Abstracts (PDF) containing the abstracts of all papers presented at the Conference.




Each article must contain the Keywords which have been entered in START at the final submission stage on a separate line beginning with "Keywords:" AFTER the abstract.

Keywords: keyword1, keyword2, keyword3




Each manuscript should be submitted on white A4 paper. The fully justified text should be formatted in two parallel columns, each 8.25 cm wide, and separated by a space of 0.63 cm. Left, right, and bottom margins should be 1.9 cm. and the top margin 2.5 cm. The font for the main body of the text should be Times 10 pt with interlinear spacing of 11 pt. Articles must be between a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 pages in length, regardless of the mode of presentation (oral or poster).


Page numbering


Please do not include page numbers in your article.




The title of the article is in Times 14 pt boldface, and should appear in the centre of the page, 3 cm from the top. All the initials of each content word of the title MUST BE capitalised.

For example: The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars


Authors’ data


The authors’ data are centred under the title, in the following format:

  Name(s): Times 12 pt boldface
  Affiliation: Times 10 pt regular
  Address: Times 10 pt regular
  E-mail address: Times 10 pt regular.


There should be no spaces left between paragraphs.


Headings 1


Level 1 headings should be capitalised in the same way as the main title, and centred within the column. The font used is Times 12 boldface. There should also be a space of 12 pt between the title and the preceding section, and a space of 3 pt between the title and the text following it.


Headings 2


The format for level 2 headings is the same as for level 1 Headings, with the font Times New Roman 11, and the heading is justified to the left of the column. There should also be a space of 6 pt between the title and the preceding section, and a space of 3 pt between the title and the text following it.


Headings 3


The format for level 3 headings is the same as for level 2 headings, except that the font is Times New Roman 10, and there should be no space left between the heading and the text. There should also be a space of 6 pt between the title and the preceding section, and a space of 3 pt between the title and the text following it.


References within the text


All references within the text should be placed in parentheses containing the author’s surname followed by a comma before the date of publication (Martin, 1996). If the sentence already includes the author’s name, then it is only necessary to put the date in parentheses: Martin (1996). When several authors are cited, those references should be separated with a semicolon: (Martin, 1996; Chibout & Masson, 1995). When the reference has more than three authors, only cite the name of the first author followed by et al. If the reference pertains to a Language Resource, it should be placed in parentheses containing the full author name followed by a comma before the date of publication (Speecon Consortium, 2014)




Footnotes are indicated within the text by a number in superscript. They should be in Times 9, and appear at the bottom of the same page as their corresponding number. Footnotes should also be separated from the rest of the text by a horizontal line 5 cm long.




All figures should be centred and clearly distinguishable. They should never be drawn by hand, and the lines must be very dark in order to ensure a high-quality printed version. Figures should be numbered in the text, and have a caption in Times 10 pt underneath. A space must be left between each figure and its respective caption.

Figure and caption should always appear together on the same page. Particularly large figures can be centred, using a full page.




The instructions for tables are the same as for figures (see previous section).

Example: Level Tools Morphology Pitrat Analyser Syntax LFG Analyser (C-Structure) Semantics LFG F-Structures + Sowa’s Conceptual Graphs Table 1: Caption.




Place all acknowledgements (including those concerning research grants and funding) in a separate section at the end of the article.


Bibliographical References


Bibliographical references should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the article. The title of the section, "References", should be a level 1 heading. The first line of each bibliographical reference should be justified to the left of the column, and the rest of the entry should be indented by 0.35 cm.

The following examples (of fictitious references) illustrate the basic format required for conference Proceedings, books, journals, articles, Ph.D. theses, and chapters of books respectively:

Martin, L.E. (1990). Knowledge Extraction. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 252-262.

Chercheur, J.L. (1994). Case-Based Reasoning. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufman Publishers.

Castor, A. & Pollux, L.E. (1992). The use of user modelling to guide inference and learning. Applied Intelligence, 2(1), pp. 37-53. Zavatta, A. (1992). Un Générateur d’Insultes s’intégrant dans un Système de Dialogue Humain-Machine. Thèse de Doctorat en Informatique. Université Paris-sud, Centre d’Orsay.

Grandchercheur, L.B. (1983). Vers une modélisation cognitive de l’être et du néant. In S.G Paris, G.M. Olson, H.W. Stevenson (Eds.), Fondement des Sciences Cognitives. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 6-38.


Language Resource References


Language Resource references should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the article, in the “Language Resource References” section, placed after the “Bibliographical References” section. The title of the “Language Resource References” section, should be a level 1 heading. The first line of each language resource reference should be justified to the left of the column, and the rest of the entry should be indented by 0.35 cm. The example in Section 13 illustrates the basic format required for language resources.

Speecon Consortium. (2014). Dutch Speecon Database. Speecon Project, distributed via ELRA, Speecon resources, 1.0, ISLRN 613-489-674-355-0.




The Language Resource and Evaluation Conference (LREC) proceedings are published by the European Language Resources Association (ELRA). They are available online from the conference website.

ELRA's policy is to acquire copyright for all LREC contributions. In assigning your copyright, you are not forfeiting your right to use your contribution elsewhere. This you may do without seeking permission and is subject only to normal acknowledgement to the LREC proceedings. The LREC 2020 Proceedings are licensed under CC-BY-NC, the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Your submission of a finalized contribution for inclusion in the LREC Proceedings automatically assigns the above-mentioned copyright to ELRA.




Detailed submission information including deadline are provided here.




Presentation slides


Due to the size of the conference rooms it is recommended to use 36 pt fonts for the presentation slides.



The size of posters holders is 90cm x 150 cm and the format is vertical (Portrait). The Poster Boards cannot accommodate Landscape posters. You can print your poster in Portrait A0 (84,1 x 118,9cm).




Those having a demo presentation alongside their poster should contact the organiser of the demonstrations, Sara Goggi.

Important dates
  • 31 October 2019: Submission of proposals for panels, workshops and tutorials
  • 2 December 2019: Submission of proposals for oral and poster papers
  • 13 February 2020: Notification of acceptance for oral and poster/demo papers
  • 13 March 2020: Final Submission of accepted oral and poster/demo papers
  • 13-14-15 May 2020: Main Conference
  • 11-12-16 May 2020: Workshops & Tutorials